Ignacio Guerrero

Ignacio Guerrero López A self-taught artist, he was born in the city of Guadalajara in 1963. With Surrealist style, his work has been exhibited in Mexico and abroad, with more than 150 exhibitions.

The dreamlike, playful surreal world of Ignacio Guerrero, evokes hidden places in the ways of the impossible, the flight of a bird, a cage, horses, sirens, men and women in full metamorphosis quasi-kafkianas show us common elements in that strange world created from the recondite of his brushes, imbued with oils and acrylics that besmear his canvases with poetry.

Ignacio Guerrero - Logotipo


His work is part of the National Artistic Heritage (PAN) in museums in the following states: Nayarit, Mexico City, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, State of Mexico and the Federation, among others.

He appears on several covers, books and magazines and has received several awards, among others:

  • National level honorable mention by the National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA) in the international competition for children’s drawing and illustration: Fourth catalog of illustrators of children’s and young people’s publications 1994.
  • Work selected in the 2002 edition of the Atanasio Monroy painting competition..
  • Appears in the Index of Mexican Plastic Artists 2010.
  • Collaborated with the illustration of paintings on the covers and inside of the book “El Amante Notable”, February and “Versos Encamotados”, October; by the author: Miguel D’Addario. Exclusive Edition of Amazon in Madrid Spain 2015.
  • Appears in the book “30 artistas en la plástica jalisciense”, Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Jalisco 2015.
  • Appears in the textbook “Apreciación del arte” by Ada Lorena Guevara, Universidad de Guadalajara 2018.
  • His work is part of important and large private collections.
  • In 2020 receives three tributes for his 25 years of artistic career by: The Chamber of Commerce of Guadalajara, by The Mexican Society of Interior Design and by the Dante Gallery of Puerto Vallarta respectively.
  • Biografías México magazine commemorates with its cover the 25 years of artistic career of the Jalisco painter in its December 2020 edition.
  • Appears on the cover of the magazine JALISCO SERIE MASTERS 1 as one of the great exponents of surrealist painting, December 2020.
  • He heads the Catalog of Artists to follow in 2021 according to a survey conducted by Galería Digital México to collectors, curators and gallery owners. Chic Magazine, Periódico Milenio March 04, 2021.
  • OWork selected by the Internal Committee of ITACA (International Tour of Art and Culture Association), Recognition with exhibition and exhibition of artwork within the framework of the Bicentennial of Peru and Mexico in Real Alcazar de Sevilla, in Seville Spain, June 2021.
  • Cover of the Catalog of Artists to follow in 2021 as the Number 1 in Jalisco if it is about surrealism by Galería Digital México. AmeliArt Magazine August 2021 First Edition.
  • Mexican plastic artist representative of Surrealism in the first edition of INside Magazine August 2021.

His future projects are: To prepare work for an exhibition in a Museum in New York, several exhibitions in Europe and to continue creating for Mexico and the World.

“I will paint until my body can take it”, says Ignacio; or, “Until I have nothing to say to the canvas”, he concludes.


Ignacio Guerrero

Ignacio Guerrero: The Dreams Weaver

The pictorial work of Ignacio Guerrero is surprising for the rigor of its beauty. The color and the capacity to represent spaces, bodies and palpitaries impregnated with energy dazzle anyone who contemplates them; in the face of this simple fact, no one can escape from the enchantment provoked by the permission to investigate the universe of dreaming, an idyllic paradise impossible to inhabit.

Our folklore is the best pretext found by the author to extract the tone of our Mexican land, the nuance of romantic passions and the figuration of the utopian, giving us the result of its magic that also impacts by the hybridity of the cultural components, characteristic vigorous and essential of our artists.

The architectural spaces are deliberately fractured by illogical ingredients in order to amaze us. Tropical fruits are inhabited as enclosures; and birds, horses and characters enjoy a chimerical metamorphosis.

Thanks to his creative capacity, the author gives us the pleasure of the aesthetic contemplation of the illusory, of the meadow that leads to the country of the ideal, where we can rescue, for brief moments, the rudeness of the real.

This is how Ignacio Guerrero, renowned painter from Mexico and with a presence abroad, contributes with precise technique in the complex and delicate art of capturing, in the whiteness of the canvases, fragments of the vast figurative color of the imaginary universe.

-Arturo Villaseñor

Semblanza Ignacio Guerrero

IGNACIO GUERRERO is free when he paints and frees us at the same time from any prejudment to dream, asleep or awake.

Women stretch their arms and legs to occupy a dignified and comfortable place on the canvas where they will inhabit. The birds, be they hummingbirds, doves or herons, accompany each visual journey towards the farthest airs.

Each figure is an allegory, a frank emotion translated into animals and characters thanks to mastery of technique and brush. All that is observed is a game, a wonderful game of tonalities and textures.

The horses gallop with energy, the doors do not find the key, the branches of the trees yearn for float. There is no doubt that the most sympathetic and provocative muses parade with enthusiasm for each painting and direct the pictorial orchestra with the flying hands of infinite creativity.

– Laura Zohn